Elder Webster

Elder Webster

Monday, June 24, 2013

JUNE 23rd  2013

Hey family this was another pretty good week, with lots of ups and downs.  With new challenges and new investigators.  This week we re found an investigator, Gabriela.  She is 16 years old. After about 2 weeks of looking for her house we finally found it. I guess I noted her cell phone number wrong when she gave it to me 2 weeks ago. So we were not able to communicate with her or find her house. One day we asked another of our investigators and she said knew her from school and told us where she lived. On Saturday night we went to see her, we found her and the rest of her family. During this 2-week period she had read the Book of Mormon and Moroni 10 3-5. She said that she prayed, and she said she received an answer.  She had a strong feeling about the BOM and just knew that the Book of Mormom was true.  She did all of that without the help of the missionaries. We were pretty shocked when she told us all of that. Its people like this, that are prepared to receive the gospel.

Giraldo. the professional soccer player is doing well. We give him scriptures to read through text messages and he calls his mom and explains what he has learned.

We had to say goodbye to President Heaton this week. We all had quick minute interview with him and his wife. In the interview they thanked me for serving a mission, and for being such a great missionary. President Heaton thanked me for training again.  They also thanked me for being with a few tough Latino companions, that they felt like my example will help them stay active after the mission. I really appreciated those comments.

For my birthday a member threw a surprise party for me. She called me to the house saying that a light bulb blew out and she was too short to change it. Asking if I could come and change it.  We walked into the dark house and we couldn’t see anything, and then the lights came on, people starting singing happy birthday in English. It was quite a surprise for people from the ward to come to throw a surprise party for me. They made me a cake and hot chocolate. Pretty fun.

Answers I did receive the packages all 4. Thanks so much.

Thanks so much family.
I love you guys so much.
Elder Webster

Monday, June 17, 2013


Well this week I’m turning 21.  I feel so old. Especially since my comp anion is only 18.

This week our baptisms fell through. We just decided that they weren’t ready. they just needed a little bit more time. We now set the baptism for the 29th of June.  It was a little tough making that decision, but now I feel more reassured that it was the right move.

In church yesterday, Geraldo Simon came. He’s our investigator that plays professional soccer.  He had a soccer game last Friday, but in the game he received a red card. When you receive a red card you are immediately ejected from the game, and you can’t play in the next game. Since he got the red card and couldn’t play in the game Sunday, he decided to come home for the weekend. He came home very discouraged and wanted to talk to us. He was discouraged because He hadn’t been playing or practicing very well and his Girl friend dumped him all in the same week. They were together for 2 years. He wanted answers from us, because he told us that he had been praying all of this month to God for help. The more he prayed the more the trials came. He wanted to know why. We had a great lesson with him. We talked to him a little about God’s plan for us in this life.  When He wants to get our attention He sends trials. He realized that this had to be what was happening. That God was trying to talk to him. We talked to him about what we thought was God’s plan for him. We put some goals down for him to help him keep the commandments and to help him through this tough time in his life. He asked about baptism and we laid down some of the requirements for baptism. He agreed with everything but the law of chastity.  He is just too used to his professional athlete lifestyle but he said he would do it. We are really hoping that he can change his life around. He’s a really cool kid.  He’s only 19 years old. We are praying that he can change. He came to Church, and left Sunday night, and took a Book of Mormon with him to Montevideo to read. We put a baptism goal for him also for the 13 of July.  He is going to go to church in Montevideo for 1 week. Then come to church here for 2 weeks. 

Our mission president is going home this next week. We are meeting our new president this Thursday, President Smith.

One package came this last week. The one with my debit card. You can activate it now.  Thanks so much. How much do you think I can spend for my birthday? I’m feeling a lot better. It hasn’t gotten too cold here. Just please pray for our investigator, Geraldo Simon.

Thanks so much family. I love you all.

Elder Webster

Monday, June 10, 2013

JUNE 9th

Hey Family. So I went to Montevideo Tuesday night to go look for my new companion. It was fun seeing a lot of old friends. My new companion is named Elder Evans, he’s from Canada. He is also half Chinese, which is awesome. I think it’s a pretty funny combination. A Chinese Canadian speaking Spanish (haha). He’s awesome. He is really smart and is very excited to be working.

We had an investigator go to church yesterday that was a big surprise. Her name is Gabriela. She is 16 years old. I met her on my first day in Artigas. She was hanging out in the house of a member and we shared a lesson with her. Six weeks later, we found her again in the house of this member and we invited her to go to church. Sister Simon, the mom of this family invited her to come and she said she would…and she came. I was pretty shocked when I saw her. I had a good feeling about her the first time I saw her on my first day here. I hope she’ll be able to progress. She has a lot of support from this family.

We also had another good experience with the Simon family. They have 3 sons. Two of them are members. One of them isn’t because he plays professional soccer. He is always in Montevideo playing. He came home for the weekend, and we had the Chance to teach him a little. I also have a good feeling about him. I want to be able to help him, to help complete this awesome family.

We are hoping to have 2 baptisms this week. Please pray for Valeria and Richard that everything will go well and smooth.

I also can relate with Lauren, wishing that I had a sibling with me in high school. I wonder how different it would’ve been if Brennan was there. I guess there were lessons that I could only learn alone. I think it was the same way with my Church quorums. I didn’t have friends from high school with me. I needed to learn something. I know it’s the same for Lauren.

I feel happy as a missionary. I’m working hard, but lately I’ve had a feeling of uneasiness. I don’t know why. I’m sure God is trying to show me or teach me something. I just don’t know what.

Thanks for everything family. I love you guys.

Elder Webster

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Hey Family,

Today was transfers and my companion Elder Nelson is leaving. I’m staying. I was also called to be a trainer again. Tonight, I’m heading to Montevideo to look for my kid (new companion). It’s an 8 hour bus ride. I’ll go down there tonight, and then get back Wednesday Night.
I’m pretty excited to be training again. It’s a really good experience and I know I’ll be putting a great influence on a new missionary.

This week was really a week of miracles. Last Friday we found an awesome family. Family Rodriguez. We found them when we were just walking down a street and we saw the mom outside her house. We decided to go talk to her. We chatted for a little bit and we asked her if we could share a message with her. She said yes! So, we entered into her house and gave a quick lesson to her (Laura) and her 2 kids. We talked to her about the Book of Mormon and about the restoration and we invited her to come to church. She said she wasn’t sure because she had to ask her husband about it. She said come back tomorrow and ask him. We came back the next day and talked to the husband (Luciano). We invited him to church with his family. The family was a little reluctant but Luciano said I will go. “You have my word.” The next day he came to church. The mom stayed home to cook, but she said the next week she was going to come. We invited them to be baptized and they said if they receive an answer from God, they would be baptized.

I love this Family. I’ve never had the chance to teach an actual family like this one. Please pray for them; Family Rodriguez.

We also have another investigator that has a baptismal date for the 15th of June. Her Name is Valeria. She is amazing. She’s 20 years old and a friend from her college class invited her to church one day and she reluctantly came. She came about 2 weeks ago and loved it. She loves going to the classes and she loves reading in the Book of Mormon. Her Parents are both inactive in the church and haven’t been to church for over 20 years. I always love going to their house. I always feel the spirit so strongly.

I’m really enjoying the work as a missionary. I’ve never felt so happy. I can see God’s hand in my life and I feel his presence more than ever. I also know that Brennan is with me often, and that we make a great team…an unmatchable force. But I know that He is also very busy with his mission. I like to think he has time to help us in our lives.

I’m also glad that I’m learning to do God’s will and not my will. I know tough things happen in our lives, but I know that Heavenly Father only wants what is best for me.

I love Artigas. I love the members and I love the Investigators that we have.

Love you Family. I know Heavenly Father is watching over you guys and that I don’t have to worry myself. I know He is blessing our family.

Love Elder Webster

Sports are important. You learn many great qualities: How to work as a team, Leadership abilities, and you learn how to deal with adversity…a very important lesson to help prepare you for life. I wouldn’t be the same person without all of those great experiences. Follow the spirit is a great Answer.

I love that story about Stephen and football practice.