Elder Webster

Elder Webster

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

First day in Uruguay

Email from mission office

Dear Webster Family,

We would like to inform you of the arrival of your son to the Uruguay Montevideo West Mission. He arrived here safe and sound this morning and met President and Sister Heaton. He will receive some training in the mission home to help him get to know the mission and feel comfortable in Uruguay. The missionaries will have lunch with the Heaton Family and, afterwards, will be attending a session in the Uruguay Montevideo Temple. Tomorrow he will meet his trainer and leave for his new area. It is such an exciting time for him, and we wanted to share it with you. We have included a picture of your son with President and Sister Heaton. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to get in contact with us. Our email is urugoest@gmail.com. We thank you for all you have done as parents to help your son reach this point in his life.

Elder Zachary C. Hales
Executive Secretary
Uruguay Montevideo West Mission

December 19, 2011

Hey Family. I get to write a quick 10 min. email to you guys before I leave. We leave tomorrow morning way early. I’m sending you a few pictures finally. So enjoy. I just received the last package you sent me.
Sorry I might just be able to send this one, It’s taking a while for them to load.  I did get one to load -  this is with president George and Hermana George.
I promise I´ll upload a lot more the next chance I get.

Argentina MTC Chase With President & Sister George

December 15, 2011

Hey Mom! How are things? Things are really good out here. Every Day is a roller coaster filled with ups and downs. I really feel like I’m growing so much each and every day I’ve only received one letter since I’ve been here in the MTC. Which kind of makes me worried because once the letters do arrive here; it’ll take another few weeks for them to finally arrive in Uruguay. Oh well. I didn’t get the package either. 

We leave here next Tuesday really early in the morning. The flight is only about 45 min. gate-to-gate.  Then we´ll just spend the night at the mission home. I’m really excited to be finally leaving and to actually start real missionary work. We have a teacher here who just got back from his mission in Montevideo west. He’s told us so much about it and how it really is the best mission in the world. I asked if He knew the Wade kid and he said yes that he actually grew up with him in Paraguay when his dad was the mission president and again in the mission they knew each other. I guess the Wade kid was the assistant to the President.

Thanks so much for all of the support. I’ll still try to write every week. Next week will be the first step of a grand adventure. Love you mom and family.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hand written letter November 27, 2011

November 27, 2011

Dear Family,

   Another transfer has gone by and now our district is the senior district., its so crazy how fast time flies. Pretty soon I will be out in the mission field. I am learning so much each day but I wish I could inhale more. There is so much I still need to know and only three more weeks before I hit the field.
    The district is doing really well. My companions and I have come so far in the past week. We have committed to truly planning and to make the most of our time by planning to the fullest. I truly have a testimony of planning. If we prepare all that we can beforehand, God will guide us through our teachings when the time comes.
      All of the teachers here are RM’s between 21-25 years old. It is pretty cool because they all have their missions bright in memories and it shows in their teachings. All of the teachers make fun of me. Not really they just like to tease me.
   We had a televised devotional today and President Holland spoke. I love hearing him speak outside of conference, because he is really blunt about stuff and if he starts talking about something he feels strongly about he will start yelling. It’s awesome but kind of scary because he is yelling at us missionaries. Today he talked about why they created Preach My Gospel. They created it because too many missionaries were coming home from their missions and falling away from the church. President Hinkley said that is unacceptable and that something is wrong with the system. So they created Preach My Gospel. Not so much for the investigator but to help convert missionaries. Once the missionary is converted then they can truly teach from the lessons, from their hearts they will teach to peoples needs. This is the Preach My Gospel  ERA, when all the world around us is falling apart and the Lords answer is sending our 19 year old boys! How can God have so much faith in mere kids? It blows me away. President Holland related us to the apostle Peter, after Christ died he and the other apostles didn’t know what to do, so they went back to what they knew “fishing”! But the Savior appeared to them and he asked Peter 3 times if he loved him. And Peter replied yes 3 times then the Savior said, “If ye love me, then feed my sheep”!! After that moment Peter became a great apostle. He never went fishing again. Because the Savior told him ”Peter you can’t go back to fishing” And that’s what the Savior says to us/ You Preach My Gospel ERA missionaries, YOU CAN’T GO BACK! Family I promise you that I will never go back to who I was, and I will never leave this church. But I will love the Savior and feed his sheep forever.
   I feel like President Holland has taken all my free agency away (ha ha) First he told me I did not have a choice in serving a mission, only the suit color I would bring with me. Now that he has me on one he says I can never go back. He has me trapped now. I am thinking this was his plan all along (ha ha)
      I was sad to hear that Ray Young passed away. I have a lot of memories with him. He was one of the few I remember from the Alpine ward. I remember they had a few stories about Brennan also.
The Scripture for my plaque I would like is Alma 26:12. I chose this scripture because I am reminded each day how weak I am, but I also realize the strengths that were once weaknesses. Because of this  - I will always boast of my God. For I know through Gods strength I can help so many people in this land, even mighty miracles. I know through him I can be a great missionary.
   I found something that I really like as a missionary. In Alma 27:4 It says the word angels that were sent from God to save them. Then if you go back to Alma chapter 13, it talks about angels spreading the word of God in verses 22,24,25 & 26. These scriptures bring me such happiness. It brings power to us missionaries that we truly are heavenly messengers. Gods answer in this world that is falling apart.
I love you guys and I miss you. I pray for you every night. I enjoy your emails and I hope I start receiving the letters you have sent.
   Very briefly I am really bummed that Desert Hills didn’t win the state championship game.
    I love you all and I love hearing from you. If you want to hear anything else just let me know.

Love Elder Webster

First Week of December

Hey Family, this week has blown by so fast. Time flies when learning about the gospel. I received two packages today. One had the number 7 on it. so I did´t open it. I opened the other one which contained a I POD (which I´m so stoked about) and the Christmas decorations. I´m really happy about the packages thanks so much.  I think I have received all of the large envelopes that you´have sent me. I haven´t received any letters. I have only received the one that contained the football playoff brackets which showed desert hills playing Cedar. so...yeah.

Mom,I´m so glad you finally became an employee use that dental insurance for sure.
No we haven´t watched a Christmas devotional yet  ;( I really want to though. We´re so excluded here in the Argentina MTC. We watch old broadcasts of the Provo MTC devotionals.  It does not even feel like Christmas here. It´s kind of a bummer. and the heat just brings it down even more. Thank you so much for the Christmas package. It cheered me right up.

This week was really good. I´m sad my letter did not make it yet. I always send one on Monday morning, and its supposed to get there by today. I hope I hope I did not mess up.

I sent my scripture in my letter home, but its Alma 26:12
I hope everything is going well with you guys. I pray for each of you everyday.
Love you all. Merry Christmas, watch the Grinch for me, and the Muppets Christmas Carol.
hopefully my letter gets to you soon.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Last Week of November

Hey Family! I´m so happy  because of your emails and I finally received a letter today. I believe it is the direct mail that was sent on Nov. 10 or 12th. So yeah I´m way happy right now. I love you all. Thanks. 

Stephens Picture is way funny. thats the fullest I´ve ever seen his beard. haha. 
And I was still pretty impressed that dad can blow out 50 + candles. 

I´m enjoying my time here in the MTC. We just had a another transfer and I was very sad to see the oldest group of Americans leave. Also I was wayway sad to see the latinos leave. I was really close to a couple of them. I´ll try sending you pictures next week.

 I am still struggling with the language, I can understand what people are saying but its the talking that I´am really having a struggle with. But other than that everything is great. I´m learning so much about the gospel. I feel like that I´m starting to change to become more like how Heavenly Father would want me to be. I´m so glad that I made the decision to serve a mission, I´ve already received so many blessings, and I hope you guys also receive them. Thank you for having family prayer every night. Thank you for forwarding my letter to the rest of the family. That makes me really happy that people have already responded.

Thank you for sending package presents. How are you guys doing? I really wanna know.

Ok Thank you so much family! I love you guys mu chismo. Les Amo Mu Chismo

Elder Webster