Elder Webster

Elder Webster

Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16th
Dear Family, Well how is everyone doing? 
I`m doing good, trying to do my best to finish strong. I`m doing a really good job of not getting trunky. Its a little embarrassing seeing some of these other missionaries end their missions.  
I also feel like god is not letting get trunky. Every day I feel like there is something more I need to do. We are now trying to work with a lot of the less actives that are in our ward. We`ve been seeing little sparks of hope here and there, and we have been seeing lots of members return. 

It was raining a lot this last weekend. which affected our Church assistance a little. we were usually having 120, but this week we had 85. Which was really good because usually when it rains everyone just decides to stay home and not get wet. I guess it is a little bit harder when everyone walks to the church. We have it pretty good in the U.S. to be able to drive to the church every week. We had two less active families come to church. Everyone was pretty happy to see these two families. 

unfortunately the Familia Rodriguez could not come because of the rain. They didn`t want their little kids to get sick (Uruguayans are really touchy when it comes to weather. because they are horrified of getting sick) but it was quite a bummer because We had a really great lesson with the mom this week(Laura). We shared a little about the Restoration. and we talked a little about Joseph Smith and how he had a question and that he needed an answer. After we shared this with her she started commenting about Church and that when she went she felt a peace, and that it wasn`t like any other thing she had ever experienced. She talked about how she wanted to do be baptized in this church. We were a little disappointed that she and her family didn`t come. 

But today I was reading in 1 Nefi chapter 3 about Nefi and his brothers and how they had to go to Jerusalem 3 times to try to get the plates from Laban. sometimes we are more like laman and lemuel and want to give up after the first time we try something. but we need to be more like nefi and be more persistant. I like what nefi says 15. 

I think they`ll send me my travel plans tomorrow. I`m pretty sure I sent the records to President Bangether. Thats the information that I gave them when they asked me about all of that. 
Whats going on with the friend of Lauren, is she still taking the lessons? 

Well I love you family. try not to get trunky. I still have a lot of time left in the mission.

Love Elder Webster

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